Arugula Pear & Prosciutto Salad

This Italian-inspired salad has all the feels - it's simple, delicious, and full of nutrition. 

Arugula is rich in folate, vitamin C, and calcium, and it's also amazing for people who have a...

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I am excited to have teamed up with a holistic nutritionist who will be making meal plans readily available for my patients. One thing I have noticed with many of my patients when I recommend a...

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March Seasonal Foods

Eating seasonally helps you eat more nutritious food more affordably. I've put together a list of foods that are in season during the month of March to help you plan your next trip to the grocery...

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Cookie Dough Oatmeal

recipes Feb 15, 2017

This cookie dough oatmeal offers fibre and protein in a big way + it's delicious. Working with digestive and hormonal health one of the biggest things I emphasize from a dietary perspective is...

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Today is Bell Let's Talk!

Don't forget to switch your iMessages to Texts and send an extra few today!! 

Bell Let's Talk initiative sheds light on the important topic of Mental Health.

Their 4 pillars stand in: 


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Elderberry Syrup for Cold & Flu

Sambucus canadensis, or Elderberry, is one of my favourite herbs this time of year.

  • It acts deeply on the respiratory tract, decreasing congestion (quickly at that!)

  • promotes detoxification...

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Health Trend: Plant Protein Sales Increasing by 25%

I love staying on-top of the latest health trends and as one of my new years resolutions, I'm set on sharing more of what I love (in a way that I love (and I love writing)). I won't say love...

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Beet Juice: Let Food Be Your Medicine

beets health juice nutrition Jan 19, 2017

Beets have got to be one of the brightest and most colourful root veggies we have. With that being said, they are full of powerful nutrients that offer so many health benefits! The bright colour...

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Carrot Juice: Let Food Be Your Medicine

carrots health juice nutrition Jan 19, 2017

The bright-orange colour of carrots is a give-away to their rich content of Beta-Carotene. Beta-Carotene is a potent anti-oxidant and a precursor to Vitamin A.  It’s no secret that...

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