Today is Bell Let's Talk!

Don't forget to switch your iMessages to Texts and send an extra few today!! 

Bell Let's Talk initiative sheds light on the important topic of Mental Health.

Their 4 pillars stand in: 

1. ending stigma
2. increasing care & access
3. improving workforce health
4. improving research to benefit mental health

During the month of November, I ran a stress-less acupuncture series for my patients that we're experiencing a lot of feelings of sadness, anxiety, and workplace stress - the results were incredibly positive! Within 4 weeks mood changed, stress decreased, and my patients found once stressful situations more manageable. 

In hopes of standing behind Bell Let's Talk 4 Pillars, I am happy to provide 4 acupuncture treatments at a reduced rate for those looking to get help! Please just reach out with the subject line Bell Let's Talk. 

Join the conversation, provide support, and end the stigma. 

- Jodie Tatlock, ND

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