How Your Medications Are Impacting Your Fertility

hormonal health pregnancy Apr 02, 2019

When working with women through their conception journey we are frequently asked about how hormonal birth control can impact their chances of conceiving. This is a relevant question and one we...

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Keto Diet & CBD In The Health Industry: Our Latest Thoughts & Considerations

A Few Thoughts On The Latest Health Trends

KETO DIET:The Keto diet has taken the world by storm! And while our ND's encourage it for some, they're hesitant to use it for others. Here are some...

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D U T C H Hormone Analysis

hormonal health Oct 19, 2018

DUTCH is an acronym for dried urine test for comprehensive hormones. This private test is a staple in our practice for assessing hormonal status in women and men. It encompasses a large portion...

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Egg Quality & How It Impacts Your Chances of Conceiving

hormonal health pregnancy Sep 28, 2018

As females we are born with a set amount of “eggs”. These eggs remain in a state of cellular division until they mature and are released through the process of ovulation.

During each...

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Why Our Naturopathic Doctors Are Obsessed With Jade Rollers

skin health Aug 31, 2018

Being trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine principles, our ND's are very familiar with the recent jade-rolling trend. For those of you who have not heard of Jade Rollers, they are a beauty...

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Is This Health Hack The Solution To Your Cellulite?

Whatever shape or size you are, the reality is, you're probably all to familiar with that dimpling of skin that we've come to know as cellulite. Cellulite is more common in women than men, and is...

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Learn What Ingredients To Avoid // Our Favourite Clean Beauty Products

skin health Aug 31, 2018

Considering that our skin is our body's largest organ, it's important to consider what we put on it. In the last decade more and more literature is shining light on the ill-effects of certain...

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Doula Services at EASTND

pregnancy Aug 22, 2018

A doula can enhance your birthing experience. They provide you (and your partner/family) with information, education, physical and emotional support throughout pregnancy, labour, delivery and...

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome PART II : Natural Treatments

hormonal health pregnancy Jun 20, 2018

If you haven't had an opportunity to read Part I of this series, click here for more info about signs and symptoms of PCOS.

How We treat Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome With Natural Therapies


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Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome PART I : Signs and Symptoms + Diagnosis

hormonal health pregnancy Jun 07, 2018

Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome Part 1: Common Symptoms and Diagnosis

Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a female hormone condition that affects 6-10% of the population. Symptoms can begin...

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