10 Common Mistakes You Make In Your Skincare Routine

skin health Jun 17, 2024

You know how I like a simple skincare routine; Cleanse, Toner, Moisturizer and Sunscreen! and you may want to sneak in our B Serum in the evenings and a gentle exfoliant a couple times a week.


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Don't Quit On Your Summer Skincare Routine: The Importance of Professional Treatments

skin health Apr 24, 2024

As the weather warms and we start to make summer plans, don't leave out your skincare treatments.

Maintaining your skincare routine is key to preserving the health and beauty of our skin. While...

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Why We Love Red Light Therapy

The Benefits of Red Light Therapy

With so much hype around red light therapy lately we thought we would break down why we love using it so much. This tool is non-invasive and uses red and...

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Accutane - the side effects, how to manage them and natural alternatives.

skin health Feb 27, 2024

Accutane, also known by its generic name isotretinoin, is a potent oral medication primarily used to treat severe cystic or nodular acne that has not responded well to other treatments....

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Guest Blog with Lex McGrath: Get Glowing Skin with Custom Facials at EASTND

skin health Feb 02, 2024

We are so excited to have local fashion, beauty & lifestyle enthusiast Lex McGrath joining us on the blog to discuss how our Custom Facial changed the game for her skincare by addressing...

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Glossary - Natural Skin Care Active Ingredients - UPDATED for 2024!!

skin health Dec 27, 2023

If you have ever read the ingredients list of your favourite natural skin products, you will see ingredients that you know instinctively they are safe but have you ever wondered exactly how that...

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Your Skin Isn't Sensitive, It's Just Overloaded: Unveiling the Power of Simplified Skincare"

skin health Dec 11, 2023

In our unwavering pursuit of flawless skin, we often inundate ourselves with an array of promising products. What if the key to unlocking radiant skin isn't in the complexity of our...

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Fun Facts - The Science Behind Microneedling and Why It Works

skin health Oct 16, 2023

The scientific mechanism behind microneedling lies in its ability to trigger the body's wound healing response, specifically the release of growth factors and the production of new collagen...

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Regain Your Confidence: How EASTND Combats Hair Thinning and Promotes Natural Hair Growth

skin health Sep 22, 2023

Hair is not just a physical aspect of our appearance; it's a reflection of our identity and self-esteem. Unfortunately, hair thinning and loss can affect both men and women, causing...

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How Acupuncture Supports Hormones, Skin, Digestion, and Mood

Acupuncture is a treatment option originating in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) over 2500 years ago! TCM helps us take a different look at your health, by examining symptoms and concerns...

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