Micro-Needling A Real Option For Cellulite Concerns

skin health Feb 26, 2020

First, cellulite is a natural and normal part of a women’s body. It is not always a reflection of our health, diet or exercise routine. (Though drinking more water never hurts)

The truth...

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Supplements: What are they and why are they important?

Supplements play a key part of our naturopathic practices at EASTND and while 46% of Canadians use at least one nutritional supplement, there is still a lot of confusion and questions around how...

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Is Stress Bad For Your Health?

mental health wellness Oct 20, 2019

Stress is something we all experience and while we can tell each other we “feel stressed out”, we often have a difficult time admitting or accepting it as the cause of our health...

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Most Common Non-Hormonal Acne Triggers

Skin health and new onset adult acne are becoming increasingly more common in our practice. As ND’s who treat a great deal of hormonal concerns, we frequently see women concerned about their...

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Why Use Acupuncture To Improve Your IUI/IVF Success?

hormonal health pregnancy Jul 09, 2019

Acupuncture has been widely accepted in fertility based therapy for its beneficial effects on improving implantation rates in assisted reproductive treatments such as IVF and IUI. It has also...

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Vaginal Health Series - Part II: Bacterial Vaginosis

women's health Jul 09, 2019

Bacterial vaginosis is a common condition that affects the pH of the vaginal canal. This condition can present with symptoms or without. Most commonly the symptoms manifest as thin, watery or grey...

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Barrier (Natural) vs Chemical Sunscreen

skin health Jul 01, 2019

Why We Use A Natural Sunscreen?

As hormone and women's health specialists we often discuss the impact of chemicals present in our skincare and makeup that can disrupt our hormones and predispose...

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Vaginal Health Series - Part I: Yeast

women's health Jun 13, 2019

Vaginal concerns are something we see frequently in the clinic. They are uncomfortable, confusing and frustrating if you are unsure of what you are dealing with. This is because sometimes they can...

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Cosmetic Acupuncture: Your Questions Answered

acupuncture skin health May 02, 2019

Acupuncture is an ancient healing method used to help stimulate the body’s natural capacity to heal. It has been shown to help improve a variety of long standing concerns such as pain,...

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A Sweet Treat For Easter: Coconut Macaroons

recipes Apr 17, 2019

Easter is a sure sign that spring is here and summer is on its way! Easter also represents a time of renewal and rebirth, and for many, with the warmer days, it is a time of renewed inspiration...

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