How Acupuncture Supports Hormones, Skin, Digestion, and Mood

Acupuncture is a treatment option originating in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) over 2500 years ago! TCM helps us take a different look at your health, by examining symptoms and concerns...

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Adrenal Fatigue: What Is It & How Can It Be Treated

Let's begin with the basics, what are the adrenal glands? The adrenal glands are walnut shaped organs that sit on the kidneys. They are responsible for producing and secreting hormones that...

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How your household products and cosmetics are affecting your hormones

Endocrine disruptions chemicals (EDCs) are chemicals and substances that interfere with our bodies natural hormonal function. They can impact the body in three different ways:

o   Mimic or...

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5 Tools for Reducing Stress

Stress; an all too familiar experience for most of us. Although individuals will have varying degrees of response to stress, our underlying physiology on a cellular level does share some...

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Is This Why Millennials Are Developing A 'New' Emotional Intelligence In Our Culture?

I'll be the first to admit that I often work too hard. It's not lost on me. But what many people might not know, are the efforts I make to balance this work. The more I read about Millennials and,...

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This Trend Is Actually Helpful For IBS and/or Depression

This latest trend might seem like another glitzy health product with overzealous promise but more and more research is showing that it is in fact a promising treatment for IBS and depression. And...

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Beginners Guide: Correcting Supplements For Anxiety

Navigating natural health products & the plethora of information can be very overwhelming. Here is a beginners guide to supplementing correctly when it comes to anxiety. 

1. quality is...

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Overcoming Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety is the third biggest mood related problem in North America. When struggling with it, we often feel that other people don't like us, or that they are saying mean things about us. We...

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Today is Bell Let's Talk!

Don't forget to switch your iMessages to Texts and send an extra few today!! 

Bell Let's Talk initiative sheds light on the important topic of Mental Health.

Their 4 pillars stand in: 


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