Your Chemical Peel Treatment Guide

skin health Sep 14, 2020

Chemical Peels are a godsent when you are looking for a deep exfoliation to reduce stubborn hyper-pigmentation, decrease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and improve the overall tone and...

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Comprehensive Fertility Testing

hormonal health pregnancy Sep 11, 2020

We get this question A LOT: why should I do fertility screening? Truthfully, the answer in our minds is usually, why not? Optimizing your health and wellbeing before trying to conceive is often an...

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Female Fertility Screening

hormonal health pregnancy Sep 09, 2020

As naturopathic doctors, we take a preventative or proactive approach to health; treating the root cause is a significant part of what we do. We want to encourage and empower women to understand...

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Microneedling, the natural alternative to Botox

skin health Aug 31, 2020

Cosmetic companies have made a good living selling products to treat fine lines and wrinkles. It’s hit or miss on the efficacy of most of these products, and not only do they tend be very...

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Post Summer Skin Care

skin health Aug 30, 2020

As summer winds down and our tans start to fade, many of us will start to notice the effects of the summer sun on our skin. I am the first one to admit I never use enough sunscreen or...

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Medicinal Mushrooms for Immunity

wellness Aug 24, 2020

Immune system function is essential, but now more than ever we're looking at our immunity especially in light of the pandemic. We want to have our immune system ready to go should we come in...

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Mood Boosting Foods

Food is medicine and fuel for our bodies, and what we consume plays a major role in how we feel both mentally and physically. There is constant communication and biofeedback happening between our...

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Candida Overgrowth: Diagnosing + What to Expect

women's health Jul 17, 2020

Candida albicans has become well-known in the medical community, but it can be more difficult than expected to diagnose as it can manifest in many different ways. Symptom manifestations are...

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LED Light Therapy For Skin Rejuvenation

skin health Jul 05, 2020

Originally used by NASA to grow plants in space, LED therapy is now a popular natural and safe treatment used to regenerate skin. The benefits of LED therapy include treating active acne,...

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Meet Province Apothecary

skin health Jun 29, 2020

For those of you who haven’t been introduced to our favourite addition to the clinic, meet our latest skin care regime. Our ND’s Jodie and Céline, spend a lot of time...

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