Micro-Needling A Real Option For Cellulite Concerns

skin health Feb 26, 2020

First, cellulite is a natural and normal part of a women’s body. It is not always a reflection of our health, diet or exercise routine. (Though drinking more water never hurts)

The truth is, for me, I struggle with my cellulite. Mine started back in my early 20’s and it is something I have always worked hard to minimize. However, no matter how much I exercise, how healthy of a diet I maintain, or how little I weigh, it is a reality that I live with…

Until recently!

I have started to have micro-needling treatments on my thighs and have been very very happy with the results. Even after my first treatment, I saw results in a few days. My cellulite is less visible and I already see changes in areas where I have larger dimples like on my upper thighs.

So how does micro-needling work?

As we age our skin becomes thinner and less firm and the appearance of cellulite becomes more apparent. Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body and is responsible with keeping our skin firm and elastic.  

As early as 25, our bodies start to make less and less collagen resulting in thinner skin and a loss of elasticity. It is this decrease in collagen that leads to the visible appearance of cellulite.

This is important to know because micro-needling helps us reverse this process by stimulating our body’s to build new collagen in a natural and non-evasive way.

When we build more collagen, our skin thickens, plumps and becomes more firm and flexible. With as little as 3-4 monthly micro-needling treatments, there is a visible reduction in the appearance of cellulite.

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In case you are not familiar, micro-needling uses a pen-like device with fine needles to create tiny punctures in the top layer of the skin. This triggers the body to create new collagen and elastin which in turn makes the skin firmer and smoother reducing the appearance of cellulite. Micro-needling may also be combined with a topical treatment, like a vitamin-rich serum for greater effect.

The sound of small puncture holes all over you skin may sound daunting, however, you can rest assured it is not as scary as it seems. There is numbing cream that can help with any discomfort during the treatment. Truth be told, I don’t use the numbing cream as I would like to limit the amount of products used on my skin. I won’t lie, it is uncomfortable at times but overall I find it very tolerable.

Post treatment the area will be warm to the touch and you may want to wear loose fitting pants for the first 24-48 hours. Cold compresses on the treated areas help with any discomfort. This typically last 24-48 hours.

Recommended steps in between treats for best results.

  1. Drink plenty of water - The more hydrated the body is the healthier your skin is. The skin absorbs the water making it plumper and smoother, reducing the appearance of cellulite.

  2. Book one of our Vitamin Infusion Drips - With extra hydration and a combination of collagen promoting precursors like vitamin c, glycine, lysine, and proline the drips will have your skin looking radiant. Again hydration is key! Book NOW

  3. Dry brush – Not only is this a great way to exfoliate your skin it increases blood circulation to the skin making it plump and smoother. However, you may not want to dry brush for the first few days after micro-needling due to sensitivity in the treated areas.

  4. 30-Minutes of Daily Movement – Though I do “exercise” regularly, just moving can have huge benefits. Walking is highly underrated! Throw on some head phones, listen to your favourite podcast, music or audio books. 

  5. Stretching/Yoga - This is another essential activity that benefits circulation in the body which leads to healthier skin. There are great yoga classes on YouTube that are as quick 10 minutes.

In the end, micro-needling is not a magic pill and the appearance of cellulite does not disappear over night. It is however, a natural noninvasive way to encourage our body to produce its own collagen. This process has so many more benefits than just smoother, healthier and younger skin. Collagen is essential for healthy strong bones and plays an important role in the health of our tendons, ligaments and muscles.

At EASTND our team believes in skin health that begins within.

 - Karen Ulmanis, Certified Medical Aesthetician at EASTND

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