As summer winds down and our tans start to fade, many of us will start to notice the effects of the summer sun on our skin. I am the first one to admit I never use enough sunscreen or moisturizer throughout the summer but now it’s time to treat my skin, especially my face to so much needed love and attention.
Free radicals built up by UV rays reduce collagen fibres in the skin, resulting in fine lines and wrinkles, dull, uneven skin tone and small brown pigmentation spots, basically ageing us before our time.
Let’s all vow to do better next year but in the mean time, the goods news is, it’s all treatable right now!
Exfoliating is a must!
Let’s start with a peel...... Removing dead dry skin cells is a must and the first step in truly being able to restore your skins much needed moisture. At EASTND we offer a number of options to peel away that dry dull skin and reveal new softer younger supple skin.
We have plenty of natural safe solutions to get you the results you are looking for.
The Jessner peel is a chemical solution that exfoliates the top skin layer, causing it to peel off and over the course of a few days reveal a new, brighter skin layer. The healing process itself stimulates the growth of new collagen and elastin, significantly improving the appearance of skin.
I love a good peel and I know it can be inconvenient for a few days but the results are amazing!
For those of you that can’t live with the down time but still want fresh glowing skin, we offer the Red Carpet Peel. Using a glycolic acid to rejuvenate your skin, exfoliating your thin outer layer of dead skin cells to reduce the appearance of skin imperfections and discolourations for a radiant, glowing complexion. Perfect for a special event or just to pamper yourself. The result will be glowing skin with virtually no downtime (best to be performed 48 hours before the big event).
Microdermabrasion is another effective, quick and painless treatment. Tiny crystals that are sprayed onto the skin to gently remove the outer layer of your skin and a vacuum to suction to remove the dead skin cells.
With almost immediate results microdermabrasion can reduce fine lines, reduce the appearance dark spots from sun damage and shallow scars such as those caused from acne. You can expect to have some redness for up to 24hrs but your skin will thank you!
The added bonus is how much better your cosmetic skin products will be absorbed into your skin and your make up will last longer without flaking and probably need less coverage.
Next up rebuilding your collagen and elastin, diminishing fine lines and wrinkles and lightening those dark spots!
Microneedling does all that and more. Best of all it’s natural and safe for all skin types. If you haven’t tried it yet we highly recommend it!
Microneedling as an alternative to Botox and other fillers for facial rejuvenation because it is a minimally invasive, non-surgical and non-ablative procedure. Microneedling can actually be safely used in conjunction with Botox, eventually not needing Botox.
It is a great way to restore skin elasticity and thickness safely without many of the risks and longer downtimes associated with other procedures. It can be performed on all areas of the face, neck and body and repeated accordingly for maximum results.
*naturally induces collagen production,
*reduces fine lines and wrinkles
*minimizes pores
*diminishes scars and stretch marks
*improves skin tone and texture
Harsh sun rays dry out your skin by taking away its natural oils resulting in increased sebum production that can make your oily skin even worse. And for those with dry skin, the sun makes the skin even drier.
At EASTND we offer LED Therapy paired with either an exfoliation mask or a hydration mask to best suit your skin needs.
LED Therapy treatment uses red light to stimulate cell growth within your skin. Healthy skin cell growth can keep the surface of our skin void of dead cells that dry out of the skin, allowing your moisturizer to penetrate deeper, getting better hydration.
Red Light therapy specifically promotes skin cell regeneration, improves circulation, acne healing, promotion of collagen production and effective treatment for maturing skin. It has even been found to encourage hair growth for men and women. All this with no downtime!
Of course we all need a good moisturizer but a lot of times we underestimate the importance of the cleanser we are using. If you are using the wrong one it can easily be too harsh striping your skin of it’s natural oils, leaving your skin dry.
At EASTND we carry Province Apothecary an effective all natural toxin free skin care line you will love.
Take this as an opportunity to have a professional natural skin rejuvenation treatment with our medical aesthetician.
Reach us at 1.506.830.8333 or email at [email protected]
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