Why microneedling is superior to Botox for skin rejuvenation

skin health Sep 30, 2020

Most of my microneedling clients have toyed with the idea of getting Botox but where held back because it doesn’t support their approach to natural healthy living.

The first thing I say, is that I am not apposed to Botox, I am not going to try and talk them out of it but what I to do is educate them on the fact that Botox does one thing and one thing only. It treats wrinkles and Botox is not even effective with all wrinkles.

Where as Botox is a very singular treatment microneedling on the other hand offers us so much more, while being a totally natural safe treatment for all skin types. 

Think “my body is healing itself” kind of natural.

Why exactly is microneedling so much better and what exactly can it do for our skin?

  1. Microneedling treats many areas of our body, where Botox is contained to our face. With microneedling we are able to treat:
    • Face - instead of temporarily paralyzing the muscles in your face, requiring treatments for the rest of your life; microneedling works with your skin to rebuild it’s own collagen and elasticity. 
    • Neck - think about how many times you have seen someone and their face looks young, smooth and firm but their neck looks 15 years older. With microneedling, your neck will match your face.
    • Chest - this is an area very often ignored, however as we age our neck becomes a problem area for many women. Not only does microneedling, tighten and firm the skin, it treats hyper pigmentation due to sun damage.
    • Back - many clients had teenage acne, that left them with deep scarring. With a number of microneedling treatments, we can greatly reduce the appearance of acne scarring/
    • Thighs - cellulite is a common concern for many women. Microneedling brings back collagen and elasticity making the skin appear much smoother.

2. Stretch marks - many clients are looking for natural treatment for stretch marks     and loose skin due to pregnancy or weight loss. Over a series of treatments microneedling tightens and firms the skin, and at the same time, I can treat stretch marks by using a stamping technique to decrease the size and depth of the marks.

3. Overall tone and texture - just like our hair, our skin can be dull and flat looking. It is no coincidence that their are many cosmetic products that have the word “dewy” in them. Everyone wants dewy fresh skin. MIcroneedling promotes the cell turnover leaving behind beautiful smoother younger looking skin.

Best of all they shrink the appearance of your pores leading to a more smooth and even skin tone.

4. Treats hyperpigmentation -Microneedling create small wounds, causing skin cells to regenerate. It’s this regeneration that can disperse clusters of melanin and lighten dark spots.

Did you know collagen rejuvenation can last up to 12 months after your last treatment. 

Hopefully this has helped answer your questions and unravelled the mystery of microneedling and showed you the amazing benefits of implementing microneedling into your natural skin rejuvenation routine.

Take this as an opportunity to have a professional natural skin rejuvenation treatment with our medical aesthetician at EASTND.


MONCTON at 1.506.830.8333 or email at [email protected] 

CHARLOTTETOWN at 1.902.367.5300 or email at [email protected]

Karen, Medical Aesthetician

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