Chemical Peels are a godsent when you are looking for a deep exfoliation to reduce stubborn hyper-pigmentation, decrease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and improve the overall tone and texture of your skin. Your skin will be noticeably brighter!
However there are many factors in getting your desired results:
Your skin’s tolerance factor - The peeling solution being used has a lower PH level than your skin’s natural PH level and it’s this variance that causes the peeling.
After each swipe of the solution, you will be asked on a scale of 1 to 10 how comfortable your skin feels. We are aiming for no higher than 3 or 4. If we are not able to keep your comfort level below this, the solution is removed immediately.
Some client’s skin will tolerate 2-3 passes and others 4-5 on their first treatment. This may or may not effect the amount of peeling that will happen over the next 7 to 10 days. Normally with subsequent treatments our skin tolerate the peeling solution better.
The bottom line is no one will know exactly how much your skin will peel until you start your treatments. At EASTND we air on the side of caution and safety of your skin first. No one should leave their treatment feeling that we surpassed their skin’s comfort level.
So now that the peel is complete and you are home, what you do over the next 7 to 10 days will positively aid the results you are looking for.
Here are some must follow guidelines for beautiful, smoother, brighter skin.
Let’s be honest, will you look your best during the 7 - 10 days following your peel? Well that depends on your perspective. You might just love the feeling of knowing how great your skin is going to look at the end of the process.
I do like to be totally honest with all clients and let them know what they can expect.
Here is what you can expect when asking for a deep peel:
The good news though is we can control the level of peeling and shedding your skin by altering how much solution we use during the treatment at the clinic and how much you moisturize post treatment.
Take this as an opportunity to have a professional natural skin rejuvenation treatment with our medical aesthetician at EASTND.
MONCTON at 1.506.830.8333 or email at [email protected]
CHARLOTTETOWN at 1.902.367.5300 or email at [email protected]
Karen, Medical Aesthetician
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