Whatever shape or size you are, the reality is, you're probably all to familiar with that dimpling of skin that we've come to know as cellulite. Cellulite is more common in women than men, and is effected by pregnancy, genetics, age, lifestyle factors. It can be incredibly frustrating for all of us who try to eat right, exercise regularly, and drink lots of water and rightfully so.
Collaboratively, women are spending millions to reduce the look of cellulite and our Naturopathic Doctor's feel your pain when it comes to the desire to banish it altogether. Although we can't promise it will completely disappear we have found that this health hack, when combined with a 5-10 pound weight loss, 3L of water daily, and regular exercise will greatly reduce the look and appearance of cellulite: and it's called C O L L A G E N - Ok, so all that hype for the ever growing popular collagen? In fact yes.
Collagen peptides at a dose of at least 2500mg daily have been shown in studies to reduce appearance of cellulite. How so? Collagen supplementation helps build connective tissue for skin, ligaments, tendons, and blood vessels. It's a crucial protein that brings back elasticity to the skin by reinforcing weakened elastin fibres. Collagen is a naturally occurring protein that decreases with age, and it's no coincidence that increased age is a factor in cellulite progression. With ongoing collagen replacement it is likely that you will have added benefit to hair and nails as well.
Collagen is an important protein used to make the connective tissue in your skin, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. Structural changes in the skins tissues, including weakened collagen and elastin fibers, makes cellulite more apparent because the skin becomes thinner and less able to conceal the irregularities created by the superficial fat and connective tissue just below its surface. These changes can occur from hormonal imbalances, aging and even dehydration. Gotu kola can also be helpful in stimulating the production of the protein molecules from which collagen is formed, and increase oxygen supplement delivered through the capillaries. It is also helpful in tightening loose skin after weight loss, decreasing the inflammatory response, and promoting tissue healing. I recommend taking 100mg 1-2x a day. A collagen boosting supplement, such as silica or a collagen powder can improve skin texture, and aid nail and hair growth (take 1-2 capsules or 1 scoop of powder daily).
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