Is This Health Hack The Solution To Your Cellulite?

Whatever shape or size you are, the reality is, you're probably all to familiar with that dimpling of skin that we've come to know as cellulite. Cellulite is more common in women than men, and is...

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Guest Blogger Brandon Basque, Fitness and Weight Lifting Expert

wellness Jan 11, 2018

As we get back into the swing of routine and begin to incorporate some potential new fitness goals, we thought it fitting to introduce our guest blogger Brandon Basque. He is a personal trainer,...

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4 Easy Natural Ways to Clear Congestion

wellness Oct 04, 2017

Has a cold or sinus infection got you down and out? One of our bodies most effective and important tools for beating a cold or the flu is sleep. However when the symptoms strike and you become...

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Immune Boosting Flu Shot

wellness Oct 03, 2017

this cold and flu season i am offering immune boosting shots that can be used alone or with your regular flu shot. this naturopathic flu shot is meant to boost your immune system to fight off any...

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How your household products and cosmetics are affecting your hormones

Endocrine disruptions chemicals (EDCs) are chemicals and substances that interfere with our bodies natural hormonal function. They can impact the body in three different ways:

o   Mimic or...

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The Keys to the Ketogenic Diet

Recent studies evaluating the ketogenic diet have shown that when compared to low-fat diets and calorie restrictive diets, it is more effective in weight loss, decreasing blood sugar, decreasing...

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Overcoming Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety is the third biggest mood related problem in North America. When struggling with it, we often feel that other people don't like us, or that they are saying mean things about us. We...

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I am excited to have teamed up with a holistic nutritionist who will be making meal plans readily available for my patients. One thing I have noticed with many of my patients when I recommend a...

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March Seasonal Foods

Eating seasonally helps you eat more nutritious food more affordably. I've put together a list of foods that are in season during the month of March to help you plan your next trip to the grocery...

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