LED Light Therapy For Skin Rejuvenation

skin health Jul 05, 2020

Originally used by NASA to grow plants in space, LED therapy is now a popular natural and safe treatment used to regenerate skin. The benefits of LED therapy include treating active acne, stimulating collagen, regulating oil production, minimizing redness, fine lines, and wrinkles. It has also shown to be effective in treating sun damaged skin, age spots and uneven skin.

LED therapy does not include UV lights. This makes it safe for all skin types and tones with no risk of skin damage.

Using light in the visible spectrum of blue, yellow, green and red, as well as light invisible to the eye, penetrates deep into the skin making it a perfect natural skin rejuvenation therapy. The light is absorbed by receptors in the skin and each colour of light stimulates different responses in the skin.

What colour LED do I need?

Red Light: Skin penetration depth: 1-6mm

This is the deepest penetrating colour and results in skin cell regeneration, increased oxygen content in the blood for improved circulation, improved wound healing for acne, treatment for allergic dermatitis, promotion of collagen production, improved wrinkles and fine lines, and an effective treatment for maturing skin.

Red LED light is also thought to reduce severe inflammation while improving blood circulation to the skin.

Blue Light: Skin penetration depth: 1mm

This light has strong antibacterial properties and can be used for the treatment of acne (without irritating it), the reduction of oil production, prevention of future breakouts and offers a UV-free alternative for the treatment of eczema and psoriasis.

Sometimes blue and red light is used in conjuncture to:

  • Help treat acne
  • Decrease scarring
  • Promote anti-inflammatory effects
Green Light: Skin penetration depth: 0.5-2mm 

Reduces the production of melanin and breaks down melanin clusters on the skin resulting in beautifully even skin. Green light therapy also sterilizes the skin, increasing the growth of new cells leaving you with smoother, younger skin. 

Yellow Light: Skin penetration depth: 1-2mm

 When will I see results?

Just like going to the gym on a regular basis to see results all LED skin rejuvenation therapy will require consistency. At least 4-6 treatments are recommended, but this can be very dependent on the client's skin.

Unlike other skin rejuvenation treatments there is no downtime. Skin can be safely treated on a weekly basis and works best when paired with other treatments like cosmetic acupuncture.

EASTND is committed to providing its clients with safe, effective, natural skin rejuvenation treatments and LED therapy is one we believe our clients will love.

Call us today to book your skin consultation with our Medical Aesthetician, Karen.

Your EASTND Team, 



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