When we're stressed or struggle with anxiety, it is the anticipation of getting everything done that can be the most uncomfortable part. We've put together a few tips and tools to help reduce overwhelm and be more present this holiday season!
1. Pack Snacks! When our blood sugar drops is it a physical stress on the body, it can impact our energy, mood, and cognitive function (focus and concentration). When tackling crowds and to-do lists we want to ensure we are feeling our best and supporting our body to carry us through it. Pack snacks for all your errands. We have created a comprehensive guide of protein rich snack ideas to help keep your blood sugar stabilized and your body feeling ready to tackle it all - download our guide to increasing protein here!
2. Create a holiday to do list! allow yourself some time to sit down and map out everything that you would like to get done. Once this list is done, write down all the things only you can do, the things someone else can do and the things no one has to do. Prioritize the list and then delegate tasks where you can. This can feel uncomfortable at first, but challenge that thought, will it be more uncomfortable than doing it all yourself?
3. Ensure your social events also include people who fill up your cup. Spend time with people that make you feel loved and can make you laugh. The comfort and dopamine help to reduce stress - a cup full of dopamine please!
4. Sleep. This one needs no large amount of detail. We need to sleep to help our brains function at their optimal level, to keep our energy high, to balance our blood sugar, and to support our immune system. If you are struggling to fall asleep or stay asleep it might be time to prioritize your health and book in with one of our NDs or acupuncturists.
5. Deep Breathing. Breathwork is a powerful tool to calm your nervous system. It can be used in moments of stress to break the cycle of stress. Even 5 minutes of breathwork can stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system which will calm the mind and help you relate to your stress more productively. Check out this youtube link here!
6. Say no. Setting boundaries can be one of the hardest things to do this season. If you know certain events, people or commitments will cause stress allow yourself permission to say no to these things. If you are struggling with setting boundaries and communicating your needs we recommend booking a counselling session with one of our virtual counsellors. Sessions can be used to gain coping strategies and serve as a place of support to get through some uncomfortable conversations.
7. Come see us! We have a variety of different tools to help support the body's response to stress. Supporting your body and mind through overwhelm can help you relate differently to stress! Prioritize your health this season so you can enter the new year feeling revitalized and inspired. We recommend:
Wishing you all the best & hope to see you soon!
In Health,
the EASTND Team
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