Calcium Rich Foods: Dairy Free

nutritional health Mar 09, 2020

One of the biggest concerns we hear from patients who benefit from a dairy-free diet, is "What about calcium?" and "Do I need to supplement now?"

This is a valid concern, but luckily for all you dairy-free dieters, calcium rich-foods extend much further than dairy, and supplementing isn't always necessary if you are eating a whole foods, nutrient rich-diet. 

The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for Calcium in Men and Women (18+) is 800mg-1000mg. 

Nuts - per 8 oz
Almonds 660 mg
Walnuts 280 mg
Sunflower Seeds 260 mg
Sesame Seeds 900 mg
Chestnuts 600 mg

Fish - per 3 oz
Shrimp 117 mg
Raw Oysters 138 mg
Baked Salmon 316 mg
Halibut 179 mg
Baked Mackerel 236 mg
Canned Sardines 372 mg
Sea Bass 211 mg

Vegetables - per 8 oz
Cooked Bok Choy 330 mg
Broccoli 177 mg
Bean Sprouts 320 mg
Kale 179 mg
Cooked Turnip greens 249 mg
Cooked Mustard greens 357 mg
Cooked Spinach 245 mg
Beet greens 164mg

Grains - per 8 oz
Cooked Brown Rice 20 mg
Whole Grain Corn Meal 50 mg
Dried Tapioca 300 mg
Cooked Quinoa 80 mg
Dark Rye Flour 40 mg
Light Rye Flour 20 mg

Beans - per 8 oz
Cooked Soybeans 450 mg
Cooked Garbanzo beans 340 mg
Tofu 400 mg

Blackstrap Molasses (1 tbsp) 130 mg
Dried Figs (3 oz) 100 mg
Dried Apricots (3 oz) 80 mg
Carob Flour (2 oz) 110 mg

Increasing Calcium Uptake

  • 15 minutes of direct sunlight exposure or Vitamin D supplementation

  • Have a glass of warm lemon water 10 mins before a Calcium Rich meal

  • Moderate salt intake to prevent calcium loss

  • Eliminate the intake of pop

  • Eat Fresh Foods!


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