What Exactly is Pro Aging? And Why Do We at EASTND Love It?

skin health Jan 03, 2023

Skin services at EASTND are built on two key values; Pro-Aging and Acne Positive!!

But what exactly does that mean and what does it mean for our clients?

In this blog I am going to address the concept of "Pro Aging" and why we feel strongly in our support of it.

"Pro-aging is the idea that aging is a natural and positive part of life, and that people should embrace and celebrate the changes that come with getting older rather than trying to fight them. This perspective challenges traditional beauty standards that often prioritize youth and try to hide or reverse the signs of aging."

5 reasons to embrace a pro aging attitude: 

  1. Pro-aging allows people to feel more comfortable and confident in their own skin. Instead of constantly trying to meet an unrealistic and constantly changing ideal of beauty, people can focus on taking care of themselves and feeling good about themselves at any age.

  2. Pro-aging challenges the societal pressure to fight against the natural process of aging. This pressure can lead to people spending time and money on treatments and products that may not be necessary or even harmful. By embracing pro-aging, people can let go of this pressure and focus on other aspects of their lives and well-being.

  3. Pro-aging promotes a more diverse and representative standard of beauty. When people of all ages are celebrated and valued for their unique qualities and experiences, it can create a more inclusive beauty industry.

  4. Pro-aging can help to reduce the stigma around aging. By celebrating the natural process of aging, we can shift the narrative around getting older and help people feel more positive about the changes that come with it.

  5. Pro-aging can be more freeing and empowering for individuals. Instead of feeling like they have to constantly fight against the natural process of aging, people can embrace and celebrate the changes that come with getting older. This can help people feel more in control of their own lives and well-being.

At EASTND all our skin services are built around the foundation of "beauty from the inside out" We are here to support you on your skin health journey by providing services that puts skin health first! Does that mean we aren't working on reducing fine lines and wrinkles, not at all but it's not a primary focus.

At EASTND Moncton we design personalized treatment plans that:

  • Focus on the over health of your skin. This can be as simple as a compromised skin barrier or cystic acne, rosacea and other skin concerns.
  • Offer treatments that are not only effective in reducing the signs of aging but are preventative in nature.
  • Ensure you are well equipped at home. Healthy, younger looking skin, starts at home. We are here to help you incorporate a simple but effective skincare routine at home, using products you can trust.

At EASTND we are here for you! and work to create an environment that celebrates all ages and all skin types. 

Are you in Moncton? Take this opportunity to have a professional natural skin rejuvenation treatment with our medical aesthetician at EASTND.


MONCTON at 1.506.830.8333 or email at [email protected] 

Karen, Medical Aesthetician

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