How To Stay Healthy As A Student On A Budget

recipes May 04, 2021

Our Holistic Nutrition Consultant Lauren is studying to be a Naturopathic Doctor in Toronto. When semesters are busy, time is short, and energy levels start to drop, nutrition can be a major support in keeping balanced and supporting through the end of the school year. A big piece of this is keeping the gut healthy and supporting digestion, to keep our immune system functioning optimally since the majority of our immune system exists in our intestines! By keeping our gut healthy and supporting immunity, the school year will go much more smoothly by avoiding a classic exam season cold triggered by stress! Students are often on a limited income so prioritizing healthy foods can seem expensive and overwhelming on a limited budget. We asked Lauren to share her go-to grocery staples that helped her stay on track through the school year, with cost and efficient nutrition in mind! 

L E M O N S. Lemons are just so great. They're high in Vitamin C to support cellular processes, support immunity, act as an antioxidant, and support skin health by promoting collagen production! Lemons are also great liver support, the phytochemicals support liver detoxification and help keep us feeling our best!

  • An easy way to get more lemon in is adding lemon slices/fresh lemon juice squeezed into your water. This helps support gentle detoxification throughout the day, especially of pesky stress hormones that increase during busy school days! Just be sure to take peeling off of lemon slices if you're adding them to your water, as the pesticides and chemicals used in growth are not welcome at this party.
  • Add lemon juice to salad dressings, or squeeze onto a salad! Lemons are also great when squeezed into a salad, or as part of the dressing. The vitamin C content will help absorption of trace minerals contained in salads and foods that you add lemon to! 

H E M P  H E A R T S. These are super easy - they have a creamy but nutty texture and blend perfectly into smoothies, are very welcome in salads, and are a perfect mix-in for overnight oats or chia pudding! They're high in protein, essential fatty acids, fibre, and nutrients such as vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and B vitamins! They're supportive of brain health, cardiovascular health, and help reduce inflammation in our bodies (that is often a product of stress).

  • TIP: store hemp hearts in a jar in the fridge to prevent them from going rancid.

A P P L E  C I D E R  V I N E G A R. ACV is nice because it can serve multiple roles - stand-alone in the mornings in lemon water to supper metabolism and provide bloating relief, in vinaigrettes to further support digestion and metabolism (and clearer skin), and you can even use it as a produce wash if you don't have one on hand!

  • STORAGE: You can store ACV in the cupboard or fridge, it's stable either way. If you'd like to stop the fermentation then store it in the fridge!
  • When shopping, make sure to purchase ACV that has "the mother" as this is what contains the beneficial bacteria of fermentation.
  • PRODUCE WASH: Mix 4 cups of water to 1 tbsp of ACV and let produce sit in that mixture for 15-20 minutes before you scrub and rinse the produce!

S A L T. Hear us out on this one - we're often told to avoid salt and this is true, the added salts in many processed foods are also equally as processed and in excess create health concerns. In refinement, table salts lose their trace mineral content as well and trace minerals are what is beneficial in salt, they're the electrolytes! Real salt helps to pull water into the organs and hydrate the body. Best to stick to sea or rock salts, and not overdo it of course!

  • HYDRATION TIP: adding 1 tsp of sea or rock salt to 1L of water during warmer days or after intense exercise can help support proper rehydration! Think about gatorade - it's an electrolyte drink meant to rehydrate and you can make your own by adding 1tsp of salt to 1L of water, and adding some fresh fruit juice to sweeten and deliver electrolytes to help hydrate!

C H I A  S E E D S. Chia seeds are also a great add on to smoothies or salads, being high in essential fatty acids, protein, fibre and minerals. They are a fibre powerhouse and help to keep you feeling more full for longer. Chia pudding takes very little time and is very nutrient dense - bonus that you can add whatever fruit or toppings you'd like! Raspberries and blackberries are lower sugar fruits that are also high in beneficial fibres.

S P I C E S. Spices are a great way to add flavour to your meals, as well as benefit from the benefits of the phytochemicals contained in the plants!

  • Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, making it great for boosting both the immune system and metabolism.
  • Garlic has antimicrobial properties to support our immune system, and research shows it to be beneficial for cardiovascular health by helping keep our cholesterol and blood pressure balanced.
  • Cumin helps support digestion, keep blood sugar balanced and therefore support energy levels, and has antimicrobial properties to support immunity and prevent viral infections.

T U R M E R I C + G I N G E R. You've likely heard of these two before, but they are not to be underestimated! 

  • Turmeric is extremely anti-inflammatory and aids in proper digestion. 
  • Ginger is also very anti-inflammatory and has pain relieving effects on smooth muscle. Research shows ginger as an effective intervention for menstrual cramping and athletic recovery!

F E R M E N T S. Fermented foods contain real, living probiotic bacteria that help support overall gut health and therefore immunity, as well as skin health, digestion, mental function, and mood! Kombucha and sauerkraut are great additions to your fridge that can go a long way. Sauerkraut is a great addition to bowls, salads, avocado toast, and more!

  • When shopping, keep in mind that some kombucha's are high in sugar, so sugar content should be low - GT's is a great brand that is naturally sweetened with kiwi juice!

F R E S H  H E R B S. Fresh herbs add flavour and pack nutrient punches.

  • Cilantro or parsley are great body detoxifiers - they aid in eliminating heavy metals from the body and cleanse the system in a natural way.
  • Rosemary can act as a natural decongestant. Rosmarinic acid is the active phytochemical in rosemary that supports reduction in allergic responses and nasal congestion! 
    • Rosemary essential oil has been shown to increase memory and cognition! If you're studying, this is a great oil to have in your diffuser! 
  • Mint is great for bloating, and pain management. It acts as a smooth muscle relaxer, especially in gut tissue, making it helpful in bloating and pain associated with GI issues.
    • Peppermint essential oil also has great benefits! When diffused, research shows that it is very potent in reducing nausea!

E X T R A  V I R G I N  O L I V E  O I L. Good fats always! EVOO is great to drizzle on salads, and use in cooking. EVOO is often said to have a dangerously low smoke point, and while we should be mindful of not heating our oils too high to avoid releasing toxic compounds, extra virgin olive oil can definitely take a little heat. Safe to stay under 350F for roasting and lower temperatures when sautéing is key with EVOO!

  • SELECTING THE BEST OIL: When shopping, look for a dark glass bottle as this protects polyphenols and other beneficial compounds in the oil from light damage. Also opt for organic and non-GMO when it comes to oils as many are often highly modified.

Q U I N O A. Quinoa is high in fibre and protein, quinoa helps to support blood sugar stability and even contains some pre-biotic fiber to help feed our beneficial gut bacteria. This helps support proper digestion and elimination, and immunity through a healthy gut! Quinoa is a great base for a stirfry, veggie bowl or curry, but also a great addition to salads and can even be used in place of oats for a healthy breakfast! Quinoa can seem to be pricier option but it delivers on nutrient availability, is gluten-friendly, and is very versatile and can go a long way!

G R E E N S. You likely saw this coming, but it's so important to keep your fridge stocked with greens whether its kale, spinach, or arugula for salads, collard greens or romaine for wraps, a great rule of thumb is to have something green in every big meal. Th easiest way to add greens is to throw a handful into your stirfry, add them to the bottom of a bowl, or add them into a smoothie! Switching what greens you use allows for greater diversity in vitamins and minerals that are available to your body!

B L E N D E R. Okay okay, this may cost some money initially, but the return is big. It doesn't have to be expensive, there are really great quality single serve blenders out there that will blend almost anything! Having a blender allows you to make smoothies, healthy desserts, sauces, dressings, even juice if you have a strainer on hand! How often do you have bananas purchased with good intention that are now at the banana-bread stage of ripeness? Cut them up, freeze them, and toss them into a smoothie to reduce food waste and save precious dollars. This also allows you to stock-up on frozen smoothie ingredients when they're on sale! Another really great thing about small blenders is making sauces and dressings as prep in for the week like this Cilantro-Lime Dressing.

O T H E R  H A C K S:

  • Meal prep can make a huge difference, especially during busy weeks. If you can find the time to prepare a grocery list and cook meals ahead of time, this is a big help.
  • If you're not one for meal prep, a great tip is to simply cook extra when you cook lunches or dinners, and have the leftovers for days to come!
  • During the summer, try to create habits that will serve you well during the school year, so that it doesn't feel to be as much of an adjustment!
    • Drink more water.
    • Make time for YOU - meditate, exercise, create, anything that helps you take a moment for you.
    • Create routine! We thrive on routine, and can easily create a "jet-lag" effect for ourselves by having inconsistent sleep schedules. While it's easy in the summer to stay out and sleep in, try to do so within reason so that when school starts you're not also trying calibrate a sleep schedule! Great ways to balance this out in the summer are to avoid looking at your phone first thing in the morning but instead soak up natural sunlight and get fresh air for a few moments as this helps support natural melatonin production.
  • Eat the rainbow! When in doubt, strive to have something red/pink, green, orange, blue/purple, and yellow in your cart to maintain diversity in produce!

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